
Theremin Super Mario

Motion controlled gaming’s currently the talk of the town, thanks to the likes of Microsoft’s Project Natal. Now one enterprising Nintendo fan has turned a 1920s musical gadget into a new form of motion-based Mario controller.

The unnamed 24-year-old gamer from Glasgow adapted an old Theremin so that he’s able to use it as a motion-sensing controller for Super Mario Bros.

In his video - shown below - the gamer describes how moving his right hand makes Mario move left or right. By moving his left hand, the gamer added, Mario will either jump or shoot fireballs.

A Theremin contains two metal antennae that, when used for making music, sense the positions of the player’s hands. One antenna controls the frequency, while the other controls the volume. Sounds are pushed out through a loudspeaker. ®

Via: http://www.reghardware.co.uk/2009/06/24/theremin_mario/

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